We are always pleased to discuss your requirements, offer advice, and suggest the best methods to achieve your roofing objectives.
Contact us
Tel1: 01892 664366
Tel2: 01825 574040
Mob: 07903 414185
Garrison Roofing Contractors Ltd
Barn Cottage, Station Road, Isfield,
East Sussex TN22 5XH
Registered in UK number: 4611605
Registered in 2002
VAT: 760 3180 53
Contact form
Mission statement
We strive to understand our customers' needs and attend to their requirements, helping to solve any issues or problems they may have.
For customers who are planning to develop their properties Steve is on hand to advise on construction methods and to offer advice as required.
Steve has over 30 years experience in construction and has a large network of associates in the construction industry.
Proud member of the Uckfield & District Chamber of Commerce.